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ET Rider - alien invasion wales

Russ Kellett is well known in the UFO subject as a ufo investigator, he is also an abductee and Super Soldier part of a secret space program. He is well known for his down to earth no-nonsense stance on the subject tells it like it is. He as a good relationship with Meany media outlets from international newspaper group breaking news stories that have made front page around the world on a number of occasions. He has written for many magazines in the subject of UFOs and Paranormal. Russ as also been a consultant and taken part in a number of UFO related television programs from B.B.C TV Carlton TV bravo TV and many more, He has also been guesting on many radio shows on FM Radio as well as internet Radio. Russ as worked on a number of famous cases One in particular working on this case for over 26 years known as UK's Roswell the Berwyn mountains incident. Now an author with a book out about His life as an abductee and Super Soldier fighting in an intergalactic war. Is second book based on almost thirty years investigating the United kingdoms own Roswell known as the Berwyn mountains crash landings , his seconed book is called Alien Invasion Wales.

Russ Kellett as videoed some of the best UFO Footage ever taken, from been Zapped by several balls of light as he was filming a ufo outside his home. He as also filmed a craft that as been called the Flying Man.
Several years ago Russ Kellett had his own radio show , Now watch out for him on ufoparanormal tv, along side his Co - host Lynn Murphy.