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Miriam Sagan

Miriam Sagan Profile Photo


Miriam Sagan is the author of over thirty books of poetry, fiction, and memoir. Her latest novel, Commune of the Golden Sun, released in January 2024.

In her work, Miriam explores life with intensity, taking inspiration from many sources — A sense of connection. Falling in love. Having her heart broken. The birth of her daughter. Being widowed. Falling in love again. Travel. The Southwest. National Parks, diners, roadside attractions. Iceland. Solitude. Death. Buddhism. Judaism. Beauty. Destruction.

She has been a writer in residence in four national parks, Yaddo, MacDowell, Gulkistan in Iceland, Kura Studio in Japan, and other interesting and remote places. She founded and directed the creative writing program at Santa Fe Community College.

Her intergenerational collaborative team, Maternal Mitochondria (with Isabel Winson-Sagan), has produced text installations in venues ranging from abandoned buildings to galleries to RV parks. Miriam’s work has been incised on stoneware as part of two haiku pathways, set to music for the Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble, and left in Little Free Libraries across the country.

With decades of writing and storytelling expertise, Miriam could potentially speak about:
Writing as an act of resistance in the modern day/during an election year
Processing world events through art (especially during an election year)
Intergenerational relationships and the complexity of healing across time
Writing in the end times - how to keep producing creative content when personal and public nightmares are happening