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Judith Trahan

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I'm Industrial Engineer with an MBA in Total Quality Management, I work for a biotechnology company in Austin Tx, in the Supplier Quality Engineering field. Always loved math and science.
I have 2 sons (26 and 18), my oldest has ESP (extra sensory perception since he was 5 years old), inherited from my grandma (mom's mom). We've hade many unexplained experiences in our family, since I was 15 years old, got attracted to these topics such as ghosts, haunted places, life after death, UFO, etc.. (Hearing from my grandma and experiencing some unexplained events that changed my life.
I started my podcast as a result of all these situations, began the Spanish version 1.5 years ago and 2 months ago the english version. As Engineer shouldn't believe in the subjectivity but my "manifesto" is that there are lots of evidences out there about these phenomena but scientifically can't be proven.