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Cyn Shrader Hill

Cyn Shrader Hill Profile Photo

Author, Founder EVP

Cyn Shrader Hill, author of "Whispers in the Dark: True Ghost Stories and Eerie Tales" and "Web of Terror: A Short Story Collection," and "They're Speaking. Are You Listening? My Most Compelling EVPs" is a native of Fayetteville, Tennessee, home of the very haunted Old Fayetteville (Lincoln County) Hospital.
Sensitive and empathic, she has known 'others' were around her since she was very young. She has also been 'rescued' a few times over the years from very dangerous incidents. Cyn has helped other paranormal teams, both in the US and abroad as well as law enforcement officers with evp (electronic voice phenomenon) analysis.
As the Founder of Elk Valley Paranormal, she formed EVP adding people to the group that not only mesh with each other but also bring complementary characteristics and talents to the team. EVP's members continually strive to find new and improved ways to reach answers for the paranormal and are determined to find some reason for hauntings. Overall, Cyn likes to be able to offer a client some sense of relief from any unexplained happenings, whether paranormal or not, that they've experienced. EVP isn't afraid to reach out to or work with other teams and has had several successful co-investigations.

Cyn's next book of true stories: "It's Not Goodbye - Signs from Beyond" will be released before Christmas 2022. "It's Not Goodbye- Signs from Beyond" is going to be filled with stories about:
1. Visits, dreams, help, and/or signs from our loved ones who've passed
2. Deathbed conversations with family no one but the dying person can see
3. Pets who visit us or leave signs for us
4. Near Death Experiences