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Bailey Reber

Bailey Reber Profile Photo

Entrepreneur / Podcast Host / Fashion Designer / Lifelong Learner

At the age of 16, Bailey Reber was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. For years, she struggled with not only managing her mental illness, but also with accepting it while the outside world around her did not. She started the podcast she hosts, Distressed to Joyful; Bailey’s Way, in order to help encourage others to seek any professional help they may need, especially in times of darkness. She hopes that being vulnerable on hard topics via her podcast will be a “beacon of light” for listeners who are currently struggling with similar situations. Additionally, she hopes to bring about new perspectives to those not directly affected by mental illness in order to help them understand the world with a kinder heart.

Jan. 2, 2023

Episode 93 - Entrepreneur/Podcast Host/Fashion Designer - Bailey Reber

At the age of 16, Bailey Reber was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. For years, she struggled with not only managing her mental illness, but also with accepting it, while the outside world did not. She decided to start her own...
Guest: Bailey Reber